Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Overdue Facelift.

No, not my face. I like it just fine thank you. Well, I don't love it, I mean I am not vain or anything. i (myself persay) would not get a face lift. It has nothing to do with me loving the way I look or anything. i just wouldn't. You get the point? Nevermind?
If you haven't noticed my blog has gotten a face lift. All thanks to the lovely Robin, over at the Bair Cubs. She is a family member of ours and as it turns out an amazing graphic designer! She left her day job for a 24/7 job of caring for her faternal twins. Just wondering Robin, however could you find time to take on this task? :)))) Step on over to the Bair Cubs and check her out. Thanks again Robin, you really did an AMAZING job! So what are ALL of your opinions??? As I mentioned before, Holly, took the lovely pics from PFMF Photogrpahy, so props once again to her!
Hold tight..I am just getting started with re-adding buttons and such, so stop back to see the full re-vamp soon.



Barb said...

I'm not sure if this is of importance to you. I found this site when looking for facelift surgeons. It's completely free and they only deal with the best of the best. I have used them a couple times now. Check them out (; seriously.

Kathy said...

Your blog facelift is great! Love the pictures. You're all so photogenic!