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I am enjoying life with my 2 little boys, and husband of 9 years. Both of our son's are miracles in both our eyes and our Savior's. Our oldest son, D, arrived with trauma at birth, possibly causing speech and occupational/sensory developmental delays. Our youngest son, Little L diagnosed with A Cystic Hygroma at 12 weeks gestation, and resolving by 30 weeks. We are enjoying our beautiful children and telling the world of their remarkable testimonies!
Our oldest, 4-year old son, drew is strong willed in personality, vivacious and persistent. drew is no wallflower. Loves his trains, long walks, and playtime. His lack of sleep still baffles us to this day, yet his sweet tender side and intellect for technology is impressive to most outsiders.
our 2 year old miracle baby. Nicknamed by his older brother, Lee is mellow, happy, and sensitive. He loves his sleep, is easygoing, and enjoys trains just like his brother. Also, playin with his maniac big bro, and long naps. Liam continues to shock his mama and daddy everyday with his presence, and happiness for life.
is he feeling better now? that's a happy pic. :) hope so...the doc said he didn't think it was rsv...he thinks it's just a nasty virus. luke is on breathing treatments now too and they both are doing the eye drops to try and prevent pink eye. it's exhausting...pooped and puked laundry all day and the breathing treatments...poor kids. hope liam is feeling better.
What a sweet, happy boy!
is he feeling better now? that's a happy pic. :) hope so...the doc said he didn't think it was rsv...he thinks it's just a nasty virus. luke is on breathing treatments now too and they both are doing the eye drops to try and prevent pink eye. it's exhausting...pooped and puked laundry all day and the breathing treatments...poor kids. hope liam is feeling better.
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