Wow! So hard to believe. This week Liam is 9 weeks old. He is really growing, and learning new things to. He smiles in response to us quite frequently and he is loving his floor gym. He gets very excited when we lay him in it. Liam goes for his two minth check up next tuesday.
Secondly, Liam will revisit the hearing specialist this coming Friday for his next serries of hearing tests. I am honestly dreading this. I have decided, if the docs cannot get the info they need, or they want to "scrub" his little head raw again, I will NOT go through with the testing, and go another route. Your prayers would be totally appreciated for a good outcome this Friday afternoon. we will keep you posted.
On a happier note, Liam slept through the night this week one time. I was so tickled to get a good nights rest?! (although I can't complain, he is a great sleeper)!
Most nights he continues to wake hungry between 3-4am. I know this will soon end however. He seems to be thriving well, and I am anxious to get his weight checked next week.
I have included some pics taken this week, his hair appears to be growing fast as well. He may need a hair cut soon!
great new pics......we'll be praying for ya friday.
hi there
My little girl also defied the CH odds, she also had foetal hydrops which is nearly always fatal!
I'd be happy to swap links? our website is
regards from England
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