Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time rolls along


things are going really well. Liam was at his weight check on Friday, and gained 3 ounces. The Dr. seemed a little concerned that was not back to birth weight yet. We talked about supplementing if need be, and checking Liam again this Thursday to see if he is packing on more ounces. Will you pray with us on this? My instincts are telling me he is doing just fine, howver I get these "worrisome" mommy moments from time to time when he fusses just after I have fed him...is he getting enough? So Thursday (today) will tell us if we need to take another step.

I find the breast feeding to kind of be a labor of love, I must admit. Is that terrible. At times it is so peaceful and bonding, and other times I feel like a cow, nursing round the clock~!!

Last night, Liam did amazing and went 5 hours between 9-1am!!! I have been getting as good as sleep as possible, and it feels so good. It is amazing how different two babies can be. Drew is settling into the new swing of things, which is making things easier on me. I am amazed at how much my body has healed in 2 1/2 weeks.

So, I will update later on Liam's appointment and weight check today, I am praying everything is going well on that end. Here again are a few pictures of Liam......

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