So this past weekend, we packed the little ones up and went to our family's cabin up north. Eric's parents were there for the week, so we were joining them. It was an adventure as we headed north. so much to pack for just two days, not to mention, our back seat; carseat, dog, carseat! Soon time for a minivan I am afraid :)
The boys did well all in all, being that we were trapped inside all weekend from rain. Drew slept in a "big boy" bed and did rather well. He did wake up at 4am on Sunday...but better than we had expected. The four of us were all in one room, so it was quite interesting. The drive is about 3 hours, and they both did super well on the trip both ways! Another shocker. Saturday evening Liam got quite a bit fussy. Could have been the dampness of the cabin.....(as old wives tale say) ???
All in all, it was more of a re-location than a vacation! But a nice change of scenerary. It was nice to get out of our house for the weekend.
Monday, Liam was up all day, which is very unusual for him, and extremely fussy. Tuesday, back to himself again, Mr. Happy go Lucky :) Must have been the change in boys seem so sensitive to change.
A couple of pics from the trip are posted...I wanted to get a nice family shot outside, but the weather didn't cooperate.
That picture of Daddy and Liam is so cute. Do you have one of Drew?
Breaking him in at the cabin already! :)
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