monday, Drew began limping slightly, figured he had been out playing all weekend, and he pulled a muscle or something, no biggie, tuesday came and he began mentioning his "boo boo" on his leg, pointing to his knee. And by wednesday, he was refusing to walk, climb, do stairs and making a fuss about it.
i decided to go with my gut and take him to the doctor to have it looked at. Felt a little silly doing this being that there was no swelling bruising or any trauma I could remember.
The doctor determined the pain was coming from his hip, and recommended x-rays, to rule out an infection in the hip joint.
X-rays, led us to ultrasounds, and we were recommneded by Orthodeic Associates to go to the emergency room. i was a bit surprised by the urgency of everything, and began to get nervous. The ER trip may have been one of the quickest i had ever experienced, and Drew went though all x-rays and ultrasounds very easily, with out a fuss.
The ER doc, wanted to take some blood and labs, and start an IV on drew almost right away. These showed that his white cell count was elevated. The doctor explained that small kids can get a cold virus in their hip. Howver, a few other things can mimic these symptoms as well, including lime disease and Septic Hip (toxic arthritis). Since the white cell count was very slightly elevated they admitted him and put in an IV.
We got into a room around 9pm. and drew was exhausted. He had napped in the er for about 1 and a half hours, after the IV was put in. I think he was exhausted, they had pappoosed him, and he was frightened. It wore the little guy out. In his room we met with a team of docs and nurses and told us they wanted to prep him for surgery in the morning, to drain the fluid and test it. This was so scary, they were very concerned about his well-being at this point.
He recieved hydration fluids, and motrin at that point. I literally just stayed in the crib bed with him the entire visit. That nite, he fell asleep around 11pm, and I just prayed with him for the next few hours.
Around 3am the orthodeic Doctor finally came in, and was pleased to see he wall healthy other than the limp hip. No high fever, no signs of infection. By the time he came in the next morning, he felt if wasn't completely nesc. to put him under genral anesthesia and drain the fluid. Praise God, I had been praying all night with drew that this would not need to happen.
We were able to be observed for several more hours and come home in the afternoon.
I must say, seeing Drew tied to wires and IV's wasn't easy. He was so strong and brave. In fact, as his IV was being put in, he began crying and then praying very loudly. It amazed me, he saw God in all of it. At such a young age he was looking to Jesus for comfort and to calm his fears. So precious. If only all of our faith's could be this strong all the time. As grown up's we can sometimes forget to go to our Father for healing and to calm our fears. There in the midst of Er docs and nurses, not worrying about what others may think: Thank you Drew, let us all have faith like the little ones:
"I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. " Matthew 18:3-5

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